
Successfully Deploying SD-WAN in Retail

Successfully Deploying SD-WAN in Retail

Most businesses simply can’t afford for their store or the applications they’ve deployed to be offline. With it now being possible to get a new store up and running in just 15 minutes and with the guarantee of zero downtime, implementing an SD-WAN  solution is no longer a daunting proposition.

Watch this short video where Darren Ashcroft, Solution Consultant at Kerv Connect, explores the benefits that can be gained from deploying a flexible, resilient network and how those perceived concerns that future adopters have, are things of the past.

Unsure about some of the terms referenced? Watch our short Jargon Buster video and get up to speed!

Want to find out more? Read Graham’s blog entitled ‘Simplify. Streamline. Supercharge.’

Click here to find out what it is that retailers are trusting SD-WAN to to deliver to their stores.

Ready to take the next step? Book your free, no obligation, Network Health check today to fully understand what the next step for your network is and how this can impact your organisation.

Visit our retail page to find out more

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