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SD-WAN and SASE Jargon Buster

SD-WAN & SASE Jargon Buster Video

With so many terms to consider and acronyms to decipher, its handy to have a go-to guide to cut through the jargon and explain what the true meanings are behind the technology.

“SASE – framework or product?”

“What are the 3 technologies that sit within SASE?”

“SD-WAN – that’s something to do with networks!”

These questions are common, and indeed valid – only when you have a true understanding of what they are and the role they play, can you fully grasp how transformative these solutions can be to your organisation.

Watch this short video where Graham Brown, Kerv Connect’s CTO, delves into what they mean and how they fit together!

Now that you understand the concept, why not read Graham’s blog which explores the operational benefits that SD-WAN and SASE can bring to a retailer.


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