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Lemon Business Solutions: Transforming Remote Service Delivery

Lemon Business Solutions provides consulting and technology solutions to help businesses optimise operations, streamline processes, and enhance productivity.

With on-prem voice, email and SMS comms, Lemon Business Solutions was hampered by hard-to-scale and time-consuming siloed systems.


Aspirational outsourcing company, Lemon Business Solutions brings zest to its customer experience. With 24/7 omni-channel services it’s the first point of contact for customers of many large engineering firms, as well as industries like telecoms, IT and facilities management. Agents are its most valuable asset, handling nearly two million calls annually.

With their existing system, everyday tasks like reporting, required lots of effort. Keen to improve business continuity the company looked for an alternative. Everything went out the window when the pandemic struck.

We can rapidly jump on service issues, whether our agents are in the office or at home by closely monitoring call queues or comparing KPIs across multiple channels and pinpointing coaching and training needs.

Martin Anderson, Managing Director, Lemon Business Solutions



Having existing on-prem voice, email and SMS comms, albeit in siloed systems, Lemon’s options for a new solution included using the company’s legacy PBX supplier. “What it said on the tin and how it performed in practice were like chalk and cheese,” adds Anderson.

“With a clunky user interface, the solution required lots of programming to work properly. We’d be left with more complexity; but making things easier was why we were moving to the cloud.”

Following a recommendation, Lemon decided to try Genesys Cloud.

“We were introduced to Genesys partner company, Kerv Experience, who brought skills beyond comparison. The migration was super smooth, and we got the best out of Genesys Cloud through Kerv Experience sharing knowledge and guidance.”


Keeping remote performance levels high

Managing a dispersed, mobile workforce brings new challenges. However, combining call and screen recording, Genesys Cloud comes with inbuilt reporting, analytics and workforce management. That enables the company to centralise quality assurance and keep remote performance levels high. Supported by Kerv Experience, Grafana advanced dashboard monitoring was also introduced.

“We can rapidly jump on service issues,” says Anderson, “whether our agents are in the office or at home by closely monitoring call queues or comparing KPIs across multiple channels and pinpointing coaching and training needs.”

Automatic email filtering and distribution reduces the margin for human error.


Delivered from Kerv Experience as a contact centre as a service (CCaaS) model, Genesys Cloud is an all-in-one omni-channel platform. Moreover, it gives Lemon the flexibility to support any business model: 100% office based, 100% home-based, or the current 50/50 hybrid split.

The changeover to remote working was invisible to our clients. Inside an hour our agents were trained to work from anywhere with a device and a broadband connection.

The Genesys Cloud CCaaS service has seen Lemon gain efficiency in many areas. For instance, whereas emails previously generated around 6,500 interactions weekly, automatic filtering and distribution means agents deal with 80% less. That reduces the margin for human error and releases them for more valuable tasks.

Similarly, with the introduction of Genesys bullseye routing, calls are directed to preferred agents based on criteria such as skills and knowledge. If they aren’t available the caller is instantly connected to the next best-placed agent. “Key stats, like speed of response and abandonment rates, were fairly good before. They’re far better now,” says Anderson.

Resource and budget conservation 
Importantly, the company feels it has sharper competitive edge.

Technology no longer holds us back. We can provide anything our clients want – voice, email, chat, text, social, bots – and spin up those services faster than ever before. And if we need to roll back something when a campaign ends, for example, we can do that too. That conserves our resources and our clients’ budgets.

Innovation never stands still
Lemon is already looking to roll out an improved outbound service, along with call-back and bot-powered appointment booking services.

Results at a glance

reduction in email traffic


office, or hybrid choices


productivity savings


agent onboarding

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is now part of Kerv

In a continued effort to ensure we offer our customers the very best in knowledge and skills, Kerv has acquired Worth Digital.