White papers

End-to-End Communications and Compliance Guide

With so many tools available for the capture of different communication channels, many firms struggle to identify the best ones to suit their business.

Kerv Collaboration and Compliance are unique in that we provide end-to-end voice and mobile telecom services and data connectivity solutions but also a full compliance wrap to organisations across the UK and beyond.

Our agnostic approach, combined with decades of experience in the financial services sector and other heavily regulated industries, guarantees a tailor-made solution that simplifies processes and reduces workload.

We help our customers minimise operational risk by implementing robust, resilient communications and collaboration services while mitigating regulatory risk through innovative, multi-channel compliance solutions.

Read our comprehensive guide to understand the challenges that we help financial organisations overcome and the multiple platforms that we manage to help organisations remain compliant.

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Worth Digital

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In a continued effort to ensure we offer our customers the very best in knowledge and skills, Kerv has acquired Worth Digital.