Kerv Digital
The Digital Transformation Arm of Kerv Group|Kerv Digital
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Get in touchPublished 03/03/23 under:
Let’s take it all back. Forget the complications and jargon, think of any given issue as a hole in the roof. There are a multitude of ways in which to fix it, some cost more than others and some take longer. For the sake of stretching this particular metaphor beyond breaking point, let’s say that all of those fixes are good enough to withstand the test of time. They do what’s required of them and won’t break down. This doesn’t mean that your hypothetical roof is safe from other issues. To really protect your company, it’s not enough to be thinking one step – or one problem – ahead.
Silence or Sound
Trying to move larger mechanisms of power or adding the weight of people to your cause is very important. Forget in an instance all of the minds that need to be changed internally, there is a greater environment that needs to be convinced externally. This is why it’s so important in any business to have everyone on the same page and even more crucial when it comes to matters charitable. This way you’ll be able to shine a brighter bigger spotlight and put in a more concerted effort without working twice as hard.
Start Or Stop
When is time never of the essence? Good things come to those that wait after all, and greatness can’t be rushed. When it comes to business, is there ever an instance or a process that can be made more efficient but shouldn’t? If indeed every second does count, then sometimes the most important thing is what isn’t being done than what is. Does this mean that any solution is the right one?
Now or Never
Organizations fear being left behind and this causes them to act in two very distinct and equally dangerous ways. Firstly, they dive headfirst into whatever countermeasures fit the bill at that moment and ignore the long-term implications. Equally as prevalent are those paralyzed into doing nothing for fear of ever evolving technologies and the false equivalence of getting by versus not having enough insight to choose the right path going forward. Sacrificing tomorrow for the sake of today or failing to commit to the future because the present is just getting by will both inevitably lead to disaster.
Treatment or Cure
Leaving aside the jeopardy that both rashness and indecision can bring, there is another ideological challenge that companies will face which will determine their long-term success perhaps even more so than anything else. In the realm of problem solving, where something must be done, there are a few ways to resolve any particular pain point. The first is an instant fix, whether it be purchasing some software that tackles an issue or hiring an external organization to deal with it. This expedient approach again does work (on the assumption the right people are brought in) but what’s missing from that is an insight into why something happened. Armed with a different kind of knowledge, your organization will be able to equip itself in the future rather than relying on anyone else.
Success or Failure
The line between prospering or stagnating often comes down to the little things. Equipping your workforce with the right mentality is as important as handing them the right tools. It’s about fostering a digital culture rather than simply solving problems with out of the box solutions. Growth is more than just a bottom line; it’s about taking the steps to positively change all around. Digital transformation speaks as much to those using the technology as it does the solutions themselves. Speak to Kerv Digital now and give your company the room and capacity to fix your issues now both in the moment and for the future. Rather than repair a couple of tiles here and there, we’ll make sure that when it rains (metaphorically), the roof of your business will be perfectly safe.
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