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Unleash Innovation at the Kerv Digital Nonprofit Hackathon with Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit

  • Date
    Thu 19th September 2024
  • Time
    10:00 - 16:00
  • Event Type
  • Location
  • Event starts in

Do you have a passion for technology and a heart for social good?

Join us for the Kerv Digital Nonprofit Hackathon, where innovation meets impact! A dynamic and impactful event designed to bring together innovative minds, passionate hearts, and cutting-edge technology for a cause.

Why Participate?

Innovate for Impact: This hackathon is not just about coding; it’s about creating real-world solutions that address the unique challenges faced by nonprofits today. Utilise the Power Platform and suite of applications available through Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit to streamline operations, enhance donor engagement, and drive fundraising efforts.

Collaborate and Connect: Join a community of like-minded developers, designers, data scientists, and nonprofit professionals. Network with industry experts, gain valuable insights, and forge connections that can lead to lasting collaborations beyond the hackathon.

Learn and Grow: Expand your skillset with hands-on experience using Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit technologies, including Co-pilot, Azure, Power Platform, and Dynamics 365. Participate in workshops and mentoring sessions led by our experts to deepen your knowledge and refine your projects.

Event Highlights

  • Workshops and Training Sessions: Get up to speed with Microsoft Cloud and Co-pilot technologies through expert-led sessions.
  • Mentorship: Receive guidance and feedback from experienced mentors to refine your projects.
  • Prizes and Recognition: Compete for amazing prizes and gain recognition for your innovative solutions. Top teams will have the chance to present their projects to a distinguished panel of judges.
  • Real-World Impact: The best solutions will be implemented by participating nonprofits, providing an immediate and tangible impact on their operations and outreach efforts.

Who Should Attend?

  • Developers and Programmers: Bring your coding skills to life with solutions that matter.
  • Designers and UX/UI Experts: Create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for nonprofit applications.
  • Data Scientists and Analysts: Leverage data to drive insights and strategic decision-making.
  • Nonprofit Professionals: Share your experiences and collaborate on solutions that address your organisation’s needs.
  • Anyone Passionate About Social Good: If you have a heart for making a difference, this event is for you!

How to Get Involved

  1. Register: Secure your spot by registering today!
  2. Form a Team: Collaborate with friends or meet new people at the event to form diverse teams.
  3. Brainstorm Ideas: Think about the challenges nonprofits face and how technology can solve them.
  4. Develop Your Solution: Use Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit and Co-pilot tools to build innovative applications.
  5. Present Your Project: Showcase your solution to a panel of judges for a chance to win prizes and recognition.

Be a Catalyst for Change

Join us at the Kerv Digital Nonprofit Hackathon and become part of a movement that leverages technology for the greater good. Together, we can empower nonprofits to achieve their missions more effectively and create lasting positive change in our communities.

Are you ready to harness the power of technology to make a difference in the world?

Register now and let’s hack for good!

Register now


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