Why you need to Migrate from Great Plains to Business Central now

Why you need to Migrate from Great Plains to Business Central now

Published 19/01/24 under:

As Microsoft Great Plains approaches its end-of-life in 2025, businesses must recognise that time is of the essence when it comes to making the change.  Not only that but there are a multitude of benefits that can be reaped even before it becomes enforced.  The reach of Great Plains, once a stalwart solution, have become less and less as digital landscapes continue to advance. 

To stand still in any industry is dangerous.  When it comes to the world of technology however, it can be even more perilous.  The pace of progress is relentless, and businesses cannot afford to remain stagnant. A lack of movement means missing out on opportunities to advance, adapt to evolving trends, and integrate innovative solutions. Choosing to stand still is synonymous with falling behind and it leaves businesses vulnerable to changes that competitors are quick to embrace. In a field that thrives on continual advancement, inertia becomes a deadly decision, exposing organisations to the dangers of obsolescence and irrelevance. Let’s take a look at what you’ll be leaving behind and what you can gain in the immediate future while others wait to make a decision. 

Great Plains has been a reliable workhorse for many businesses. However, there are the following challenges that will only continue to get more pressing. 

  • Lack of Integration: Integrating Great Plains with modern tools like Dynamics 365 and Power BI requires significant effort and resources. 
  • Update Challenges: Manual updates are time-consuming and can lead to inconsistencies and security risks. 
  • On-Premise Constraints: Originally designed as an on-premises solution, it lacks the flexibility and scalability of cloud-based systems. 

Enter Microsoft Business Central – a true cloud ERP solution designed for the modern business landscape that will allow you to do the following: 

  • Seamless Integration: BC offers built-in integration with Dynamics 365, Office 365, and Power Platform, creating a cohesive ecosystem for your business processes. 
  • Power BI Integration: With out-of-the-box integration to Power BI, BC enables powerful, effortless analytics, turning data into actionable insights. 
  • Automatic Updates: BC relieves the burden of manual updates with its automatic, free monthly updates – ensuring your system is always at the cutting edge, with minimal downtime. 
  • Cloud-Based Flexibility: As a true cloud ERP system, BC offers unparallelled flexibility and scalability, allowing your business to grow without technological constraints. 
  • Expanding Extension Marketplace: Customise your BC experience with a constantly growing range of extensions, tailoring the system to meet your specific needs. 
  • Enhanced Security: Hosted as a SaaS solution, BC provides robust security measures, safeguarding your data and operations. 

Why Now?
The clock is ticking for Great Plains users and making the smart move now means so much. 

  • Staying Ahead of the Curve: Anticipate and avoid the rush as the 2025 deadline approaches. 
  • Leveraging Advanced Features: Benefit from the advanced features of BC sooner, giving your business a competitive edge. 
  • Smooth Transition: Allow adequate time for a well-planned and executed migration. 

With all these positives, we still understand there is a transition period ahead.  As such, at Kerv, we don’t just offer migration services; we will provide a partnership: 

  • Expert Guidance: Our team of specialists is well-versed in integrating BC with the Power Platform and CRM, ensuring a seamless transition. 
  • Customised Solutions: We understand that every business is unique. Our approach is tailored to fit your specific needs and goals. 
  • Ongoing Support: Our relationship doesn’t end with migration. We offer continued support to help you maximise your investment in BC. 

Migrating from Great Plains to Business Central isn’t just an upgrade; it’s a strategic move toward a more integrated, efficient, and secure future for your business. With Kerv Digital by your side, this migration journey promises to be smooth, calculated, and ultimately successful. Are you ready to embrace the future of business operations? Do you want to move forward and take advantage of this opportunity rather than be left behind? Contact Kerv Digital today for a free upgrade path assessment and discover how Business Central can revolutionise your tech landscape. 

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