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Future-Proofing Your Nonprofit in the Wake of Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit F&E Retirement

  • Date
    Tue 8th October 2024
  • Time
    14:00 - 15:00
  • Event Type
  • Location
    Microsoft Teams Live
  • Event starts in

Following the announcement of plans to retire the Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit Fundraising & Engagement (F&E) application by December 2026, nonprofit organisations are presented with a unique opportunity to rethink and future-proof their digital strategies. This webinar, hosted by Kerv Digital, focuses on how nonprofits can leverage this pivotal moment to explore innovative solutions and position themselves for long-term success. 

Join us for an insightful discussion on the future of nonprofit technology, where we’ll delve into new opportunities and proven alternate solutions that can empower your organisation to thrive throughout and beyond the transition. 

Key Takeaways 

  • Looking Beyond F&E: Understand what the retirement means and why now is the time to explore future-ready solutions. 
  • Exploring the Future of Nonprofit Tech: Discover emerging trends and technologies that can elevate your nonprofit’s mission. 
  • Proven Alternative Fundraising Solutions: Learn about Kerv Digital’s successful, alternative solutions that have already helped numerous nonprofits drive impact and efficiency. 
  • Strategic Planning for Long-Term Success: How to align your organisation’s digital strategy with its mission and vision for the future. 


  1. Introduction: Embracing Change as an Opportunity 
  2. Update from Microsoft Technology for Social Impact 
  3. The Future of Nonprofit Technology 
  4. Proven Alternative Fundraising Solutions for Nonprofits 
  5. Strategic Planning for Sustainable Growth 
  6. Q&A Session 

Who Should Attend? 

  • Nonprofit Executives and Leaders 
  • IT Managers and Digital Transformation Officers 
  • Fundraising and Engagement Teams 
  • Strategic Planners and Visionaries in the Nonprofit Sector 

Why Attend? 

This webinar is essential for nonprofit leaders looking to future-proof their organisations in the face of technological changes. Gain exclusive insights from Kerv Digital and Microsoft Tech for Social Impact on how to transition from Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit F&E while also exploring innovative solutions that will set your organisation up for long-term success. 


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