Feedback Policy


At Kerv we aim for the highest standard of interactions with our customers, suppliers and all external parties that come into contact with us.  We do recognise that in some instances we may fail to meet the expectations that are agreed and want to provide the ability to raise any concerns with us directly.  We reasonably endeavour to do what we can; in order to facilitate the remedy of any unmet expectations as promptly as possible.   

This policy is designed to demonstrate our commitment to resolving complaints fairly and efficiently. By addressing complaints, we aim to maintain a high standard of service and improve both our customer and supplier satisfaction. 

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and departments within the group, covering services and interactions provided across all our operations.  



Making a Complaint 

Complaints can be lodged via any of the following methods: 

Complaint Handling Procedure 

Escalation and Review 

If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome, the complaint may be escalated to senior management for re-evaluation and response. Where the complainant remains dissatisfied; they may seek further review from an external body, details of which are available upon request. 

Record Keeping 

We will keep a secure record of all complaints and their outcomes. These records help us to monitor trends and improve our services and practices. 

Management Responsibilities 

Our Management Team are tasked with the oversight and effective implementation of the complaints handling process, across the organisation. They are responsible for ensuring that all necessary resources and training are provided to staff to manage and resolve complaints in accordance with the established policy. Furthermore, the Management Team will regularly monitor, and review complaint reports to identify any trends or systemic issues. It is crucial they ensure corrective actions are taken to mitigate risks and improve services, and that they report on the complaints handling performance and outcomes to our Executive Team and Board; highlighting the appropriate areas for improvement and where there may be an impact arising from the changes implemented. 

Additionally, the Management Team  will provide ongoing support and guidance to employees who are handling complaints; ensuring they understand their roles and responsibilities. All employees must foster an organisational culture that views complaints as opportunities for improvement rather than criticisms.  This promotes a proactive approach to problem-solving and customer satisfaction. Our Management Team will continuously review and update the complaints policy and procedures as necessary or reasonable, to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. 

Staff Responsibilities 

All staff members are expected to be familiar with the complaints handling process and to adhere to it when dealing with complaints. Staff are responsible for receiving complaints courteously, treating them seriously, and addressing them promptly. They must ensure that complaints are escalated appropriately according to the procedure outlined in this and/or any other associated policies. 

Staff should provide accurate and timely information to the Management Team to aid in any investigation and resolution of a complaint; whilst providing full cooperation during any investigation process. Furthermore, our employees are  expected and required to implement any corrective actions as directed by the Management Team. 

By adhering to these responsibilities, all employees (both management and otherwise) play a critical role in maintaining and enhancing the quality of service provided by the organisation; ensuring that all complaints are handled in a manner that is fair, transparent and effective. 

Worth Digital

is now part of Kerv

In a continued effort to ensure we offer our customers the very best in knowledge and skills, Kerv has acquired Worth Digital.