Life @ Kerv Digital As A Jnr DevSecOps Engineer…

Life @ Kerv Digital As A Jnr DevSecOps Engineer…

Published 15/07/22 under:

Hi, I’m Jinu Joy and I started as a jnr. DevSecOps Engineer with Kerv Digital back in June ’21.


I like to think of myself as a well organised but adaptable type of person (which is needed for the challenges of a DevSecOps team) who loves learning new things and hearing new ideas or different ways of accomplishing tasks as I’ve always felt that empowers me to grow into a better version of myself.

The reason I love being part of Kerv Digital’s DevSecOps team so much is that it gives me all those opportunities and more, collaborating with a wider team whilst still bringing a lot of myself to the table.


I’ve been fascinated by cloud computing for years, ever since I first heard what it was really, but wasn’t sure how to start a career ‘in the cloud’. Deciding a job in cloud computing was never just going to drop out of the sky, I rolled up sleeves, took a few courses about the fundamentals of cloud based computing and DevSecOps and here I am… part of the future!

I feel so lucky to have landed a job with Kerv Digital as they just keep on growing, year after year but still have the right values towards both their employees and customers.


Part of working for the Kerv group is living by their core principals but I think the one that’s always resonated the most with me is Happier Customers, Empowered Employees.

That principal, that sentiment really, is what I look for in any organisation and I feel so lucky to be working for one that cares for both its staff and clients! It just makes for a much healthier, happier and productive work environment in which collaboration is seamless.


I’ve mentioned DevSecOps a couple of times now so should probably tell you a little bit about what it looks like on a day-to-day basis.

As a growing DevSecOps engineer I’m very much on a learning path with cloud computing and how DevOps helps to integrate from OnPrem, into the Cloud. I tend to help the wider teams with internal cases involving Azure directories that might need input from a DevOps engineer.

I’m not just content to sit on my laurels though, as I’m constantly studying to grow as an engineer, increasing my cloud-based knowledge and qualifications!

During my first year with Kerv Digital I was lucky enough to work with BJSS on a project to deliver increased customer support whilst reducing external issues. I couldn’t have asked for a better introduction to DevSecOps, with the client praising the work whilst I got to see what a Customer First approach really looked like.


It’s not all about DevSecOps and cloud computing though! I do ‘sometimes’ take a break.

Outside of work you can usually find me cooking a wide range of new foods from all over the world (I love cooking and trying new things so that combines perfectly!) I also love travelling to new and exciting places and trying things there I’ve never done before or would have even thought of at home!

However, I have to admit, if I’m not travelling, studying or cooking I love nothing more than curling up and watching a new movie or series.


Rounding this off, I was asked if I could have dinner with any three celebrities (alive or dead) who would I choose and why…

I had to think long and hard about this but finally settled on:


  • Emma Watson: I’m a HUGE Harry Potter fan (obsessed is probably the best word to describe it) but I also love all the work she’s done outside the world of entertainment so think she’d be fascinating to talk to.
  • Tom Hanks: Most of his movies are amongst my all-time favourites but he’s also such a nice person… how could he not be a good dinner companion?
  • Stephen Fry: Stephen has to be one of the funniest comedians out there but also one of the most intelligent people I can think of (hopefully he wouldn’t have to dumb anything down for me over dinner though)!

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